
Potential Research Question: Are girls and women feeling pressured to portray a certain image that is put out by society and the entertainment industry?

Potential Research Question 2: Are girls and women dissatisfied with themselves because of what they see on television, on websites, etc?

Enthymemes: Girls and women are feeling more dissatisfied with themselves because they are trying to achieve the impossible and live up to the standard society sets as “perfect.”


People have access to social media and media in general.

The people portrayed by the media technically aren’t real.

What people see isn’t realistic, it’s fake.

The entertainment industry influences people.

One thought on “Enthymemes…Just Spouting Here…

  1. Nichelle, you’re on the right track here, and thanks for getting the pile of assumptions going, too. Research question #2 is a bit more specific, including your focus on television and web sites as types of media. “The media” is a big term that we throw around. If you can zero in on what you mean by “the media,” you’ll have a better time convincing your readers.
    With research question #2, you’ll need to establish that women and girls are indeed dissatisfied with themselves (to what extent, in what way, what percentage of women and girls are affected, etc); and you’ll need to examine whether or not “the media” are at fault. This is probably impossible to prove definitively, but I imagine there are many interesting theories out there.
    Regarding the enthymeme: are you focusing on women and girls in the U.S.? I’d also use something more specific than “society.” Even “the media” is a little better. I’m intrigued but not quite sure what you mean in your second assumption.

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